April 1, 2019

I remember the first time I saw my husband. It actually was not love at first sight and I think I may or may not have laughed at his first line to me: “you have the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen.” Despite my quick dismissal, David was persistent. Despite my habit of going for the boys who played the hardest to get, David was a man who pursued. He showed up and he wooed and he loved me the way God intended. Fast forward 13 years, 6 moves, 2 kids and a partridge in a 🍐 tree later and his love for me is still the best earthly representation I have of the way God pursues me. To be fair, I couldn’t always jump on board with the whole God being in a love story with me. My faith journey seemed hard and arduous- not like the fairy tale I ultimately shared with my hubs. I couldn’t understand how God wanted our relationship to be and I felt like I was constantly in pursuit of him- searching for ways to fit Him into the small confined spaces I had laid out for my faith. But then it began to change- when I turned the mirror around- I saw Jesus actively searching for me. I saw these moments that literally took my breath away- when I could tell how He orchestrated and purposefully set out my life. I saw the intimacy in the details He put in my path showing me how well He loves me and longs for my closeness. I saw I had made myself too big and him too small and when the coin flipped- I saw Him relentlessly pursuing me with this reckless, crazy love- the kind that’s better than the movies and longer than the happily ever afters. I know it’s weird to think about the way Jesus loves us this way- but when you think about the most present longing of your heart as a woman- you’ll see it’s to be loved, pursued and cared for in this intimate, life-shaking way- and the beauty in that- the blessing really- is that Jesus is the only one who feels that void- He is the One who can make you complete in the fullest sense of the word. So open His book, read His words and see your love story unfold. From start to finish, Jesus is in pursuit and He is calling out for you to fall in love with Him in a fairy tale that will never, ever end. And that really is the BEST happily ever after!
The Girls of Charley's
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