April 19, 2019
Holy Week and the promise of Easter can be so incredibly powerful. I mean if we really stop to think about the weight of it, the mercy in the miracle that God had me and you in mind when He took his last breath. I remember I had a youth pastor who took us to go see The Passion of the Christ. He told all the students that every time we saw Jesus being mocked, and spit on and beaten, to remind ourselves that it all happened, it all went down that way because of us. Every scar, every wound, ever thorn came about because of our sin. This was such a powerful sentiment to me and one I’ve often gotten wrapped up in during my life. In fact, I’ve spent many sleepless nights consumed by my past mistakes, the ways I’ve failed the Lord, the people I’ve let down or disappointed, and while I do believe it’s important to face those regrets and to truly seek forgiveness- I also think it’s imperative that we don’t lose sight of the “forget” piece. God’s grace. Isn’t that the main message of Easter? Isn’t that the why? Because His love covers all- his mercy overwhelms and his SON saves. We all fall short- we all will make mistakes- some big, others small- and yet- the Lord in his wisdom and his love- rescues and redeems and renews. I’m a mess most days, a full fledged member of the hot mess express in fact- and yet, God meets me there. He holds me, wraps me in His love- reminds me that the debt has been paid, the sin forgotten. And points me directly to the cross of 2000 years ago where He showed up to remind all of us we are worthy simply because we are His. The Gift of Good Friday and the Promise that Sunday is most assuredly coming. It’s the ultimate reason to rest soundly, to love fully and to live sent for His glory. Happy Good Friday, sweet sisters- today, is in fact so very good.

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