July 29, 2019

Once again I’m left to marvel at the cyclical nature of this life. How one minute we watch a baby enter the world with its first breath, when just a few floors down another person takes their last. I stumbled onto a new documentary on Netflix about a woman who opened her home up to the world as she faced Stage 4 terminal breast cancer. Her faith was the foundation of her life and I was completely moved to tears as she shared her desire to abound in love despite the cancer that would claim her days. How she sought each day to let Jesus love her enough that that love would spill into someone else. How she recognized that her story wasn’t the one she had written but it was worth being told because it was His. I was challenged- as a mother, a wife, a believer. She asked the question- if you love as well as your willing to be inconvenienced, than how well are you loving others? Stop and think on that. Friends, are you living a life that allows you to love today more than yesterday? Are you seeking out people to love big? Are you willing to be uncomfortable so that the Holy Spirit can use you to show His love better? I am deeply convicted that my answer to most of these questions is no. I know that death and birth magnify the mundane, but there is a grace that comes in seeking to serve in the everyday, there is a hope that rises out of the circles of life. Today, I seek to love every person I encounter with His eyes, to find the time to exude gratitude and thankfulness for the moments I am so graciously given, to recognize that my sole purpose is to love Jesus and others and to enjoy them both. Today, I give away my story so that you can see His. Today, my only need is to live like Jesus is all I have and all I have to give. I know. I know that this will be a small step toward a big change in who I claim to be and who God wants me to be. Why don’t you join me? And today- lets love through the inconvenience, through the uncomfortable, through the fear, so He is glorified and His beauty shines radiant in the ashes of who we used to be. To him be the glory. In all things. Amen.
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