June 30, 2019

What matters the most? A life altering question for every person in this life. The most: That word alone implies the greatest, above all else, the epitome. It’s always funny to me, maybe even more sad- because so many of us, myself included- have what matters the most all mixed up. You see we count calories and carbs. We value Facebook friends and followers. We stare at screens for social connection and approval. We try to raise our children in communities that lack the ability to communicate and we try to foster faith in a world that revolves around retweets and reshares. It’s an addiction that most of us suffer from and I call it that because I’m always marveling at the hours of screen time my phone now conveniently drops me on Sundays. Now, I do run an online business so maybe I should be forgiven, but should I be okay with the fact that I take more pride in parading my moments on Instagram than I actually do in living them? I truly believe the connections we share are so powerful. People around the world have heard of Jesus and we have connected families and friends and liberated others from bondage and closed spaces all with the click of a button. But what does all that gain in technology lose in true relationship? To be honest, I’m all about technology and social media. I just don’t want someone to measure their worth on comments and likes when the King of Kings died on a cross so no one could be more valuable than another- so all of us could be worthy, loved unconditionally and completely redeemed. We body shame in pictures, we hide behind screens to hurt in comments, we share OUR right way to live and love and eat and exercise - yet none of that truly matters. Because what matters the most has and always will be the same. Jesus, friends. All day, everyday and everything in between. All your good comes from Him-all your blessings, all your hope. So maybe today, we make a change. Maybe we share a verse, we tweet a God-inspired moment, we video a testimony or we simply power it all down to pray. There is so much good in social connection, but let’s hold tightest to our eternal one: yours with Him- it is after all the only one that matters most 🙏
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