May 6, 2019


I heard one time a story about a man in a tuxedo. He was dying, days from the end of his life and insisted on having a friend come over to film him. The friend arrived to find this man-frail, weak, suffering- dressed in his absolute best at the kitchen table. He knew the end was near- his time on earth numbered and he wanted to leave toasts for the future weddings of the young children he would never give away. The story struck me because as the author recounted it- she knew that this tuxedo man had given her a gift, not for his story- that was solely his own-but for how his gesture reminded her about life. We move at a break neck pace. Fast and furious. Full of energy and yet, supposedly steady and steadfast. But as she thought of her own final days and the legacy she would leave behind for the little people she called her own- she couldn’t help but wander what they would say about her time? Her investment in them? Where did her energy lie? The author knew we all would disappoint people. We all will let someone down. We all will have to say no to someone. But who would that someone be? As I continue on my waiting game, I’m reminded right along with her- that those someones will not be my family, my village, my Jesus. Every day opportunities come- distractions are present- life throws me curves that pull me toward the things of this world. I am always so prone to just answer yes-I mean how terrible is it to be the one who missed out? But sometimes all the yes’s make me lose focus of what matters most. So this past week, I’ve been thinking about the man in the tuxedo, the way he acted with great intention- he knew at the end what matters the most and his life was a reflection that when we are finally called to our heavenly home- we just want to be surrounded by the ones who made the earthly one worth it. He reminded me that I want this home and these people to be where my life unfolds and that I want Jesus to be our anchor. That it’s messy and beautiful and awful and sad and happy and joyful and everything in between. And I relish it. So this week, I go back to the man in the tuxedo. And I pray he reminds all of us who should get our best- today & always. Amen.

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